God grant me the Serenity

Really... I need some understanding for the comments I receive about being natural and wearing out my hair. Honestly I am being called crazy for it (#shrug).

Like going natural and wearing it out is a sign of going crazy.

Some woman who happens to be a casual acquaintance through comes up me with a sing song voice saying "Picky head ... picky head. Look at that picky head." Then asks me why I am wearing it out if I intend to get a perm to straighten it out.

Now I am aware that my original expression may have not been welcoming after her statement but I don't feel that I should have to confirm or deny my reasons for going natural and wearing my hair out. I tried to be nice really I tried because I did not tell her about her receeding hairline or her raggedy ends (#patsback). Instead I just explained that it was a personal choice for me and that I am getting used to handling my new texture. I mean going natural does not make you an immediate hair guru nor will you instantly make you bohemian and want to go commune with trees.

Personally, it is my choice to wear a wig, sew in a weave or rock a twa. Not to be criticized by some heifer lady that doesn't know me. Being as this is very new to me and I am not that confident with my styling know how I am a bit defensive about some questions and sometimes I have to find myself saying "It's alright... they just don't know."

Then I was made aware of the fact that I should texturize my hair to make it "softer" so that it has a "looser curl pattern". So why don't I just go ahead a relax my hair all over again? Honestly, am I asking for too much? I know the comments are well meaning and that it is a new style for me but can't you respect my decision without making it about what YOU think it should be.

All I can say is:

Honestly I want to see what my hair will look like as it grows and gets body. Also I intend to wear it out sometimes because I can't see myself under wigs for the long run. Yes I don't have everyones view of "good" hair but I love it and I want to discover my hair's texture since I have never seen it or had to deal with it myself. However, am I asking too much? Maybe I am... but I think respect and understanding goes both ways.

Have you ever had to deal with these type of comments concerning your hair or felt that others just can't appreciate your hair changes?


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