This week we shine the spot light on:
What is an aloe?
The aloe, originally from Africa; is a long, green leafy succulent plant that contains aloe gel and a sticky yellow residue called latex. The edges of its leaves are spiky to the touch and when cut the scent I can best describe as *interesting*.
The Aloe leaf structure is made up of four layers:
Rind - the outer protective layer;
Sap - a layer of bitter fluid which helps protect the plant from animals;
Mucilage Gel - the inner part of the leaf that is filleted out to make Aloe Vera gel.
Aloe Vera (inner gel) contains the 8 essential Amino Acids that the human body needs but cannot manufacture.
Difference between Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe Vera juices are made from the bitter part of the leaf known as Aloe Latex. There is very little to suggest that this part of the leaf carries any health benefits but it is said to be highly laxative.
On the other had Aloe Vera Gels are made from the inner 'gel' of the leaf which are said to be the most beneficial part of the plant.
Uses of the Aloe Vera Plant
The Aloe Vera Plant has like almost a million uses! Well not really a million but there is quite a bit. For starters it can be used topically or internally for some of the following:
- Allergies, abscesses
- Bad breath, burns, boils
- Cold sores
- Dandruff, diabetes
- Eczema
- Fungus
- Gingivitis, gangrene
- Hair Growth
- Ingrown toenails, insect bites
- Jaundice
- Kidney infections
- Liver ailments
- Pin worms, psoriasis
- Razor burn, rashes
- Stings, sties, sprains, sores of all nature, stretch marks, sore throat shingles, sunburns
- Tonsillits
- Ulcers (peptic and duodenal)
- Vaginitis
- Wounds of all kinds
- Yeast infections
Aloe Vera & Your Hair
So how can you use this wonderful plant for your hair? Simply you can cut a piece of the aloe leaf and add the juices to your shampoo, conditioner or leave-in conditioner.
Freshly picked aloe when used has a reputation of making hair hard if left in too long, this doesn't seem to be same for bottled aloe vera juices and gels.
Planting Your Very Own

This weekend two of my favorite helpers and I planted our very own set of aloe vera plants. It's actually not that hard (well if your used to planting things or if you have help lol), but I enjoyed it and actually felt accomplished when I was finished! Wooohooooo Naturally Curly B.V.I.
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