
Yarn Braids
In celebration of having more than 100 likes on our facebook page we decided to host a giveaway. And not just one giveaway but three giveaways. Now, I know you are wondering what my picture has to do with this giveaway but it is a protective styling challenge/ giveaway and that is a protective style.

Why a protective styling challenge?
Well, we always focus on how nice our hair can look after a twist out and with our big and fabulous curls. We think it's time that we focused on how we can retain hair length. Also while most people do not find it to be required we think that the hair could benefit from protective styles to keep it strong and healthy.

What is protective styling?
Protective styling is supposed to do exactly what it states... Protect our hair and give it a break without having to pull or tug at our hair. Protective styling normally refers to a hairstyle that helps to protect and shield the hair from the elements as well as harmful situations (weather, daily styling and manipulation). They also help to protect the ends of our hair which are the oldest parts and therefore the most fragile doing  this will give your hair a chance to grow.

Some examples are wigs, weaves, braids, mini twists, french twists, plaits, buns, hats, scarf or headwrapped styles. Now we understand that you love your beautiful curls but low manipulation styles are important as well.

Some examples of protective styling

Finger coils and flat twists

So here is how it works:

This is a 3 month challenge from June 1 - August 31, 2012. To clarify entries in June will not be applicable for July or August and vice versa. You have to enter for each month.

How do you enter this giveaway
This is a giveaway for our facebook page Naturally Curly BVI

To qualify you need to send us the following for each month of the giveaway:
  • Post a picture of you hair length before you start the challenge
  • Describe your hairstyle
  • During the last week of the drawing post a picture of your new hair length

Want to increase your chances of winning?

Post the styles that you doing with you protective style that you are doing for that month. You are allowed a maximum of  5 entries per month.

June 30, 2012 

Thank God I'm Natural by Donaldson, Chris Tia

July 28, 2012

2 Hair Accessories, 2 Earrings and a wide tooth comb (pictures to be posted on July 22, 2012)

August 31, 2012

Kinky Curly

Kinky Curly- Curling Custard

Kinky Curly- Knot Today


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